- Dozent/in: Bernhard Müller
- Dozent/in: Volker Willert
Programming 2
this course deals with advanced topics in programming. We will look at different aspects of object orientation in the programming language C++.
- Dozent/in: Rainer Herrler
- Dozent/in: Rodolfo Verde Castillo
The course "Machine Learning" in Summer Semester 2022 starts at Tuesday 05.03.2022 at 08:15.
We will start in presence in the classroom at the Campus Conrad Geiger in room 9.E.26.
Please sign in in this e-Learning-Course and follow the latest anncouncements.
If there are online lectures during the semester they will be announced and you can use the following link:
https://fhws.zoom.us/j/82002661347?pwd=eE9SRmI0aElHeG5EZmhxelJSU2txUT09Meeting-ID: 820 0266 1347
Code: 657405
- Dozent/in: Rainer Herrler
- Dozent/in: Walter Kullmann
- Dozent/in: Markus Mathes
- Dozent/in: Gerald Barthelmes
- Dozent/in: Fabian Dax
- Dozent/in: Thomas Glowacz
- Dozent/in: Rainer Herrler
- Dozent/in: Tobias Kaupp
- Dozent/in: Philipp Kranz
- Dozent/in: Martin Löser
- Dozent/in: Jean Meyer
- Dozent/in: Lucas Reinhart
- Dozent/in: Ying Zhao
- Dozent/in: Christian Ziegler
- Dozent/in: Gerald Barthelmes
- Dozent/in: Fabian Dax
- Dozent/in: Felix Endres
- Dozent/in: Thomas Glowacz
- Dozent/in: Rainer Herrler
- Dozent/in: Tobias Kaupp
- Dozent/in: Martin Löser
- Dozent/in: Jean Meyer
- Dozent/in: Jean Meyer
- Dozent/in: Iorpenda Msuega
- Dozent/in: Bernhard Müller
- Dozent/in: Wolfgang Spieß
- Dozent/in: Norbert Strobel
- Dozent/in: Volker Willert
- Dozent/in: Jean Meyer
- Dozent/in: Kai Diethelm